An Engineer, Podcaster, and Creative.
Speaker & Panelist
NASA imaginAviation
International Astronautical Congress
Diversity & Inclusion Panelist
The IAC is the one place and time of the year where all global space actors come together. The event attracts more than 6,000 participants and each year the country, theme and local organizer changes, enabling all to learn more about, and be a part of the world space scene. In 2019, the IAC was held in Washington, D.C. to commemorate that “one giant leap for mankind” - the 50th anniversary of a feat once thought impossible - humans walking on the moon.
I was awarded the AIAA Diversity Scholarship to attend this event and invited to speak as a panelist alongside JPL Deputy Director and engineers from MIT and Lockheed Martin for the Keynote on the 'Diversity & Inclusion' day.
Ramblin' Rocket Club
Career Panel
In Fall 2019 I presented to an audience of 200+ students on developing a personal brand and navigating Aerospace Engineering at Georgia Tech as an International Student. It was organized by the Ramblin Rocket Club with other student panelists from Delta Air Lines, Northrop Grumman, NASA and SpaceX. First and second-year students filled the entire classroom and were lining the stairs to hear our experiences and advice. This was an incredibly rewarding experience as many students reached out after the event to get mentored. I now mentor a small group of 4-5 international students as they navigate Georgia Tech.
SmallSat 2020
Spaces for All Humankind
The SmallSat conference is one of the largest space conferences in the United States, drawing in thousands of participants. I spoke as a panelist on the 'Spaces for All Humankind: Facilitating Diverse and Inclusive Aerospace Events' panel in 2020.
NASA imaginAviation is presented by the NASA Transformative Aeronautics Concepts Program (TACP). This virtual and free event provides the community an opportunity to experience the latest innovations in NASA Aeronautics through the eyes of TACP’S University Innovation, Convergent Aeronautics Solutions, and the Transformational Tools and Technologies projects. 2024's event also included technology maturation and market infusion potential with support from industry, other government agencies, and NASA Aeronautic programs such as Advanced Air Vehicles, Airspace Operations and Safety, and Integrated Aviation Systems.
I spoke on the panel titled 'Optimizing your Trajectory Through Thought Leadership: NASA Internships and International Opportunities', moderated by Barbara Esker, the Acting ARMD Deputy Associate Administrator for Programs at NASA.
We discussed internships, scholarships, and opportunities for U.S. and international students to become thought leaders in aeronautics fields at NASA and around the globe.

Sigma Gamma Tau Career Panel

In Fall 2019 I also presented to students from Sigma Gamma Tau, the Aerospace Honor Society. I spoke about my experiences as an Aerospace Analyst at Bryce Space and Technology, what I did to get there and how to use social media to build a personal and professional brand. Following this event, I began to mentor one student.